Trash Pick-up
Trash Collection
Trash is collected each week by the city of San Diego. Most of the rules for trash collection, including the day and time that trash may be placed at the curb for collection, are established by the city and cannot be changed by the HOA. Routinely, trash collection for Playmor is Tuesday Morning of each week unless Monday of the week is a National Holiday, then trash is collected on Wednesday.
The Dumpster located near the tennis court is for Playmor Maintenance and Landscaping Department only. If you place trash in the dumpster you will be charged.
Trash Collection Requirements
- Black trash containers, supplied by the city, are to be placed at the curb adjacent to driveway entries in the designated spot no earlier than 6.00 P.M of the day prior to the schedule collection
- Empty trash containers are to be retrieved by the owners no later than 8:00 A.M. on the day following collection.
- Discarded furniture, scrap material, old paints and oils will not be collected by the city and should not be placed at the curb.
- If trash is placed at the curb prior to the authorized time or is inapproproate such as oil, paint, etc. The owner will be charged A trash removal fee of $50.00
- If trash containers are not retrieved by their owner 8.00 A.M on the day following collection, they will be retrieved by the Maintenace Department and the owner will be charged a $25.00 service fee.