February 11, 2008

Call to order/opening remarks by President 7:04P.M.

Minutes for January 21, 2008 approved 7:07 P.M.

Board Member requested the Garage Clean–Up mentioned at January 21, 2008 Monthly Meeting be added as an agenda item in March.


Owner and Tenant. On Wednesday, December 26, 2007, in the evening, residents and / or guests congregated outside drinking on the sidewalk or in the street or they sat on the stairs north of the condo arguing and swearing, using the “F” word continuously.
On Wednesday, December 26, 2007, and Thursday, December 27, 2007, (between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m.) loud partying occurred throughout the night and early morning hours. Several girls were outside our condo being very loud and vulgar; several people at what seemed to be party. They have also been loud other nights this week. VIOLATION FOUND   (MSC) -Board combined first two (2) complaints

Owner and Tenant. On Thursday, December 28, 2007, at midnight, a group of people yelled back and forth from the condo to their cars for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. After a few door slams there were no additional disturbances. VIOLATION FOUND   (MSC)

Owner and Tenant. On Saturday, December 29, 2007, around 11:30 p.m. a group was yelling and slamming doors for 10 minutes; and then on Sunday, December 30, 2007, after midnight several people came out hollering and laughing for five minutes and then it happened again around 12:20 a.m.
On Sunday, December 30, 2007, at 1:00 a.m. loud talking and the use of foul language occurred around the parking space at 17557 Fairlie Road. Five minutes later loud laughter, the slamming of car doors; heavy footsteps and talking followed as people moved toward the above noted address. VIOLATION FOUND   (MSC) -Board combined last two (2) complaints

Owner’s Forum 7:38 P.M.

A homeowner expressed her appreciation for the new landscaper that was hired and is doing a wonderful job in her area.  This compliment was echoed by a board member.


  • A homeowner expressed concerns over names being published on the Agenda Overview posted to the mailboxes.  He also expressed concern that the Special Assessment monies maybe used on the address light replacement project.  The board assured him that the light project cost funds are already in the budget.

  • A homeowner expressed concerns about the light replacement project.  The board will continue exploring other options next month.

  • A homeowner inquired if the Playmor members will be voting on changing the stucco patio walls to vinyl fencing in the future.  There is a possibility but at this time it appears to be far in the future.


  • A homeowner offered to purchase a tree if the landscapers would plant it in the common area.  This request was forwarded to the Landscaping Committee. See Landscape Committee Report below.

Committee Reports

Budget & Finance Committee

  • The Budget Committee is recommending that line items be added into the budget for foreclosures and lawsuits.  Committee’s goal is to submit a proposal to The Board of Directors in March.  Minutes are being taken at the budget meetings.

Landscape Committee

  • Committee has submitted a list of homes where trees need to be removed from the patios to prevent further structural damage to the HOA’s patio walls and decks.  The manager was directed to mail letters to those homeowners.

  • Committee received a request for a homeowner to purchase a palm tree to be planted in the common area.  Request board approval, board approved. (MSC)

Managers report  7:40 P.M.

  • Financials
  • Members Status Reports
  • One member has paid their balance in full.  The Board voted to restore them to a Member in Good Standing.  (MSC)
  • Members in Poor Standing with Privileges: Three (one unit is now vacant)
  • Members  in Poor Standing with  Revoked Privileges:
    • Two (Both disconnected cable 9/7/07)  
    • Three (Two disconnected cable 12/28/07, the other unable to disconnect cable 12/28/07)
    • Two (One disconnected cable 2/4/08, the other unable to disconnect cable 2/4/08) 
    • Bank Owned / Vacant Units in  Poor Standing
    • Bank of New York
    • Fremont Investment
  • Two members with outstanding balances received letters from the HOA, regarding their “Standing” in January.  The Board directed the manager to re-notice the two following two homeowners since partial payments were received on their accounts.  The Board voted as follows on their “Standing” and eligibility to use the common area amenities. (MSC)
    • Member in Poor Standing without Privileges: One (MSC)
    • Member in Poor Standing without Privileges.  If balance of $412.00 is not received by 2/16/08.

    “It is resolved that the board authorizes that a lien be recorded on the property(ies) with assessor parcel numbers (see below) in the event payment in full is not received by the deadline imposed in the Intent to Lien letter(s).”  (MSC)

Assessor’s Parcel Number







  • The board will review the following two properties for liens again next month:                  

Assessor’s Parcel Number




Homeowner Requests to the Board

  • Owner: Board approved gutters to be installed on garages for four units on Fairlie Road.  Maintenance will address his patio wall request.  The board is presently reviewing options for new exterior lighting.  Manager will respond to his e-mail with this information.
  • Landscape request to plant roses was denied.  Manager to write letter to owner.

Unfinished Business

  • Playmor Bernardo HOA was able to secure a judgment against owner for the principal amount of $4,947.00 plus costs of $161.75 for a total of $5,108.75.

New Business

  • Address Box Replacement: The board will look into other options for the address boxes with the garage light replacement project.
  • Split Rail Fence Replacement: from 17488 Fairlie Road to 17529 Fairlie Road has been tabled to March meeting.   
  • Discussion about Garage Light Replacement: Vice President Todd Clark will research this month and bring some options to the board for their review at the March meeting.

Adjourn to Executive Session (MSC) 10:50 PM

Adjourned from Executive Session (MSC) 12:09 P.M.

(MSC) Motion, Second, Carried

Prepared by P.H., Administrative Assistant