August 18, 2008

Call to Order / Opening Remarks by the President (7:04 p.m.)          

Approval of Meeting Minutes for July 21, 2008 and                                                      
Adjourned Meeting Minutes for July 24, 2008, approved as amended   (7:04 p.m.)

  • Board member, Linda Steverson, stated that summarizing the minutes isn’t presenting accurate information.  Summarizing changes context of conversations. 
  • Vice President, Todd Clark, requested in the future for Board members to have changes to previous months minutes prepared before meeting.

Owners Forum: (7:19 p.m.)
Owners may address The Board – 2 minutes for each homeowner – collectively 30 minutes maximum.  (Written submissions accepted over 30 minute time limit).

  • Homeowner expressed his concern with the moisture level in his concrete slab.  He will continue to work with the manager regarding a solution.
  • Homeowner requested that the Board look into enforcing the CC&R’s that require each homeowner to be capable of parking a car in their garage.  There is an issue with parking because there are no places to park.  If enforced, it would free up more places to park on the streets in Playmor. 


Violations: (7:40 p.m.)

On  June 7, 2008 Owners and/or Tenants is/are accused of violating the Rules & Regulations:  Parking a motor vehicle in the driveways or fire lanes and leaving it unattended is expressly prohibited. 

Violation Found  (MSC)

On  June 9, 2008 Owners and/or Tenants is/are accused of violating the Rules & Regulations:  Parking a motor vehicle in the driveways or fire lanes and leaving it unattended is expressly prohibited. 

No Violation Found  (MSC)

On  June 15, 2008 Owners and/or Tenants is/are accused of violating the Rules & Regulations:  Parking a motor vehicle in the driveways or fire lanes and leaving it unattended is expressly prohibited. 

Violation Found  (MSC)

  • Written response from above owners regarding violations.

On  July 31, 2008     Owners and/or Tenants is/are accused of violating the Rules & Regulations:  Car washing in Playmor Bernardo complex…….Owner or Tenant was washing his car with HOA water at 1:15 p.m.

Violation Found  (MSC)

Manager’s Report (7:41 p.m.)

  • Board of Directors interviewed two candidates for the position on the Board left vacant by Toy Walker’s resignation.  Owners, Mary Behrens and Jonathan Daitch were both interested in the position.  The Board deliberated in Executive Session and Jonathan Daitch was appointed to serve out the rest of Toy Walker’s term ending November 2009.  (MSC)
  • The Manager brought an e-mail to the Board from a homeowner who inquired about a class taken when the Manager attended a conference in July.  Susan requested that the Manager present an outline to the Board to show the breakdown of her current education credits, what credits are needed and projected costs.  This to be an agenda item for next month’s meeting.  The Board resolved:  Future expenditures for continuing education will go to a Board vote.


  • Financials
    • Per an e-mail that was exchanged between LS and Joe Perna, CPA, it was agreed that the Board wanted to review the check register monthly.
    • The Board of Directors has reviewed the monthly financial statements and approves them subject to review at year end by the auditor. 
    • VP requested the Manager to insert an extra column in the monthly QuickBooks report.  SJ asked the Manager to export the QB information into an excel spreadsheet and she will assist in building the VP request.
  • Sidewalk repair project that has been underway since July 14, 2008 has totaled $18,225 with one invoice outstanding.  There is about three days work left.  The Board authorized the Manager to proceed with the completion of this project up to $23,000.  (MSC)  The remaining sidewalks that need attention will be ground by George and Andrew.  Vice President, Todd Clark, inquired about the scope of work to be done, the cost and how long will it take to accomplish.  The Manager answered at least 10 days.   Linda Steverson asked if the HOA was going to purchase a grinder.  The Manager said that our sidewalk contractor has given her a referral on which grinder to use before purchase.  Todd Clark requested the Manger to check prices for the best price on this particular grinder prior to purchase.  


  • Manager called the city to inquire about changing the color of our red curbs at the end of each driveway to another color to possibly allow for more parking spaces on the street.  The city is the only one authorized to paint the curbs on city streets an easement for each side of the driveway is required with a minimum of 3-5 feet.  The city would charge us $275 per driveway to inspect / repaint our curbs.  The community would have to pay $275 x 22 driveways for a total of $6,050.00.
  • The Board of Directors authorized the Manager to contact both people used as the Inspector of Elections last fiscal year and hire one of them based on cost and their availability for November 8, 2008 election date.  (MSC)  The Board appoints Nancy Johnston, Esquire, to act as the Inspector of Elections for the Annual Meeting.   
  • Result of Board votes to send Pre-Lien letters thru Anderson & Kriger Collection department:
  • Owner                                                       17xxx Ashburton Road  yes- (MSC)
  • Owner                                                       17xxx Fairlie Road  yes- (MSC)
  • Owner                                                       11xxx Timaru Way yes- (MSC)
  • Owner                                                       17xxx Ashburton Road yes- (MSC)
  • Owner                                                       17xxx Fairlie Road yes- (MSC)
  • Homeowner at 17xxx Fairlie Road has written a letter informing the HOA that they are in an assisted living facility and the home is up for short sale.


Result of Board votes to send Loss of amenities letter for:

  • Owner                   17xxx Fairlie Road yes- (MSC)
  • Owner                   17xxx Fairlie Road yes- (MSC) also loss of  parking space privilege
  • Owner                   17xxx Fairlie Road  Paid in Full 8/15/08

Committee Reports (9:20 p.m.)

  • Landscape Committee: 

          Landscape Committee Chairperson, Linda Steverson, reported that all is going well.  She and Mary Behren’s fertilized, watered and trimmed the plants in the big area along the freeway        wall over the previous weekend.  Linda doesn’t have any new request for the Board at this time.
Owners Request (9:34 p.m.)

  • 17xxx Fairlie:  The Board of Director’s requested that this homeowner return the window to its’ original condition and find another place to vent the air conditioning system he installed in his upstairs bedroom.
  • 17xxx Fairlie:  Homeowner request to trim trees that are too close to the chimney due to Fire Code regulations.  The Board of Director’s has directed the Manager and Maintenance Supervisor, George, to conduct a walk thru and mark a community map with their findings  and get three (3) bids for trimming.
  • 17xxx Ashburton Road: Homeowner request for tree trimming. The Manager explained the disease that has infected the Alder trees in Playmor.  The Board of Director’s directed the Manager to get bids for trimming / removal and report back to them at next month’s meeting.
  • 17xxx Fairlie Road:  The Board of Director’s is not willing to split the extra cost of painting ahead of the regular schedule. (MSC)  The paint has already been provided to the homeowner at the HOA’s cost because he offered to paint the deck himself.  The Board directed the manager to request that he complete the painting of the deck by October 1, 2008, as the Maintenance Staff has already scraped and prepped the surfaces for painting.

Unfinished Business (10:15 p.m.)

  • Board to discuss / adopt water conversation issues. This item was tabled from May 19, 2008.

Tabled again.

  • The Board will continue on its’ collective effort to form a “vision” to outline the priorities of the Board, management and other staff for Fiscal Year 2009 and beyond.  This item was tabled for continued discussion as on ongoing project as the Board works on forming a strategic plan towards this goal.  Tabled.  Todd Clark will address next meeting.

New Business (10:16 p.m.)

  • Discussion on vent cleaning being put in Playmor Post- not at this time.

Adjourn to Executive Session (10:18 p.m.)
Adjourn Meeting (12:02 a.m.)
Next Months Board Meeting will be held on
Monday, September 15, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the HOA Office, Pool # 2.
Prepared by PH- Administrative Assistant & RM- General Manager